If you’re looking for a guaranteed way to make your life more difficult when you’re being sued, then just start avoiding the process server.
Do you believe avoiding the process server will stop a case from going through? Think again. The case will still be heard in court, and when the judge learns that you were intentionally avoiding service, the ruling will likely not be in your favor. That’s because a default judgment for the plaintiff will be entered since they are the only ones who showed up for the case. Oh, and did we mention that you’ll probably also end up paying the process server fees, even though the plaintiff hired them? And, that’s not all…
Avoiding a process server can lead to:
- Increased court and attorney fees
- More time in court
- Multiple process service fees
- Being charged, and possibly convicted, with contempt of court
- Damaging your professional and personal reputation
That’s right… avoiding a process server could land you in jail! Contempt of court is a serious crime that can carry hefty penalties, especially if the judge feels that you’ve been disrespectful to the court.
The bottom line is — avoiding a process server will cost you money and time, so there’s never a good reason to do it. Give yourself an actual chance of winning your case by meeting with the process server, signing the case paperwork, and preparing a good defense.
If you’re a law firm that’s dealing with an evasive defendant, Accurate Serve® in Detroit can help. We will help you locate the person being served or apply for alternative service, so the case can move on and you can finally get justice for your client. Call us at (313) 385-3703 or email [email protected] to get your case back on the right track today!