Detroit (313) 385-3703

February Newsletter 2022

Message from the Founder

One of the 2 official Accurate Serve® golf teams were in full swing last week. We had the privilege to play in the 7th Annual Lakeland Bar Association Golf Tournament.  The AS team consisted of Beau Charlet (me), Ty Hurner, Derek Keating and Cameron Cole.
The AS team was 1 of 12 teams that competed that day.  We were proud to shoot a 67, 5 under par.  This was a best ball tournament so I contributed more in the laughter department rather than the skill portion but I did put a great team together that could really swing the clubs.  Our team fell 4 strokes off the lead, see below results:
1st: Drew Moody; Taylor Rogers; Barrett Sumner; and Robbie VanDruten
2nd: Kevin Albaum; Zach Brown; John Lancaster; and Brad Stainsby
3rd: Zach Sellars; Tony Allen; Steve Runfeldt; and JP Runfeldt

And the Long Drive Award went to: Dave Dismuke

This was the 2nd year our team competed in this tournament.  Although we have yet to win, we have never failed to have a great time.

Beau Charlet

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As we get through the late stages of our winter months Accurate Serve® Houston would like to continue providing new clients with a warm welcome and a team that is on fire when it comes to serving process.

For the month of January our office had an average of 4.5 days from when we received a job to when it was served. Our routine service is attempted every 2-4 days, so this average shows that the majority of our jobs are served within 1-2 attempts. Once a job is served our team is getting the signed returns back to our clients within a day, on average. These are numbers that I am proud to share as our team works hard to provide the best service possible. Even then, we will continue to work on getting these averages lower.

If you have worked with our team and enjoyed the experience there are two things you can do that would be a huge help to our office. First, google review. Your positive feedback would be greatly appreciated and allows us to share with the world the 5 star service we want to provide all of our clients. A Google review can be left here –

Second, refer us to a friend/colleague. We would love the opportunity to speak with any Attorney, Paralegal or Pro Se that you know and have the opportunity to earn their business. The best way to refer to our office is, have them call and let us know that you sent them our way, or make an email introduction. Both of these methods provide a great way for my office to introduce ourselves and let the potential client know about our services and how we can help them.

P.S. – Accurate Serve® Houston is looking for a local Paralegal Association to sponsor. I have had no luck contacting anyone from the association I have reached out to. If you know of someone I can reach from the Houston Metropolitan Paralegal Association or another association in the area please send me that contact information.

Knock knock knock… You’ve been served!

Brandon Muscato
Need our help?
Call (346) 226-3111
Email [email protected]


Accurate Serve® of Detroit opened for Business October of 2020 coming up on 16months. It was off to a tough start in the Motor City having a lot of business with the Law Firms and the Courts being done from home on ZOOM calls. We have grown and adapted with our clients and as a company since that time. While the Courts houses are still closed indefinitely in some of our locations we are able to combat that with appointments, emails, and phone calls. The Courts have worked really well with us getting out of state subpoenas for these cases. Being able to mail them in and being able to have a server go pick them up. Our clients have recognized that we are able to overcome, adapt, and be successful during these difficult times with COVID-19. We will continue to use all of our available resources moving forward to accomplish the task at hand.

Another key to the success of the Detroit Office lies in our 40 plus franchises that are operating prior to opening this office. The wealth of knowledge, experience, and integrity have helped shape the values and success of Accurate Serve® of Detroit. Rest assured If I do not have the answer, I will be more than happy to let you know I don’t, but I will get you the answer from the correct and reliable sources.

We have grown a lot in the last 16 months and look to continue to spread our wings into the future. We look to be more involved in Wayne and Oakland county with our clients. We are looking forward to understanding these needs in a constantly changing future to better serve you.

Take care,

Erik Devlin
Need our help?
Call (313) 385-3703
Email [email protected]

Visit the Detroit Website
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Did you realize that we had 2 days in the month of February where every digit of the date was the same number? 2-2-22 and 2-22-22. These dates are also referred to as palindrome dates. A palindrome date reads the same backward or forward.
Word of the Month: Yen – A strong desire, urge or craving for something.
2/14 – Happy Valentine’s Day
American Heart Month
Black History Month
Office Anniversaries
St. Augustine, FL
Orange Park, FL
January 2022 Job Statistics

January 2022 Job Count – 4,047
Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* – 5.9

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info. There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation. So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

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