Detroit (313) 385-3703

Handling Difficult Respondents

troubleBeing a process server is a very important occupation to hold. The judicial system relies on you to help ensure everyone receives due process. Working as a process server you must have a professional mindset, play close attention to detail and adhere to the rules and regulations is an absolute must. Even the best of the best servers will encounter difficulties. How the situation is handled separates the amateurs from the professionals. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when confronted with a problematic defendant. 

The Types of Respondents

The aggressive respondent:  It is imperative that servers never place themselves in danger. If someone being served is threatening you, leave the proximity immediately. If you are able to establish a positive identity you are able to “drop serve” as you are leaving the area. Be sure to say they are being served aloud and clearly.

The determined avoider: Some people will do everything in their power to avoid being served. If you are unable to serve at a business your next best option is a game of hide and seek. Waiting for them to leave is not always effective. Note the make, model, and license plate number of the vehicle. Catching them around town will take some perseverance if you aren’t able to catch them leaving. Once they are spotted in town you can approach and serve right there. Keep in mind you are not allowed to serve someone while they are going to or from church.

The transient: There will be individuals that have several addresses over 12 months with an equal amount of phone numbers. Persistence will be the name of the game. When tracking, be sure to talk to neighbors and co-workers to help pin down the elusive respondent.

These types of respondents make the process server’s job more difficult, but a good server can always serve their man!

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